Porting from ssh_utilities <=0.4.x to >0.5.x


The main difference between versions lower than 0.4.x and those higher than 0.5.x is that in the newr version all the most methods where moved a level deeper into inner classes. This decision was motivated by API of the SSHConnection and LocalConnection getting to cluttered by many unrelated methods. Now most methods are neately organized in inner classes each corresponding to one python module it tries to substitute. The inner classes are following:

  • SSHConnection.builtins
  • SSHConnection.os
  • SSHConnection.pathlib
  • SSHConnection.subprocess
  • SSHConnection.shutil

So the only difference when calling the connection methods is this.

In version <=0.4.x one could do e.g.:

>>> from ssh_utilities import Connection
>>> with Connection(<server_name>) as conn:
>>>     conn.isfile(<somefile>)
>>>     conn.run(...)
>>>     conn.Path(...)

In version >0.5.x the same is archieved by:

>>> from ssh_utilities import Connection
>>> with Connection(<server_name>) as conn:
>>>     conn.os.path.isfile(<somefile>)
>>>     conn.subprocess.run(...)
>>>     conn.pathlib.Path(...)

This naturally separates methods that belong together and makes the API more easy to understand. You will find the respective methods in inner class with same name as the python module it originates from.