SSHPath usage

pathlib module graph


Instantiating SSHPath

Module API also exposes powerfull SSHPath object with identical API as pathlib.Path only this one works for remote files. It must be always tied to some connection object which will provide interaction with remote host. The easyiest way to initialize it is as a method of Connection object.

>>> from ssh_utilities import Connection
>>> with Connection(<server_name>) as conn:
>>>     sshpath = conn.pathlib.Path(<some_path>)

Or the seccond option is to pass the SSHPath constructor an instace of created connection

>>> from ssh_utilities import Connection, SSHPath
>>> conn = Connection(<server_name>)
>>> sshpath = SSHPath(conn, <some_path>)

Using SSHPath

Almost excacly the same as pathlib.Path. There are some minor difereneces, like change of home and cwd methods from classmethods to instance methods for obvious reasons. Also some methods will raise NotImplementedError as their implementation through ssh is problematic or unfeasiblle so they were left out. But most of the API should work just as expected


Even though differences to pathlib.Path are rather minor, it is recommended to do extensive testing, especially when working wiht valuable files!


Testing working with windows servers has not been done yet. It should work but we do not have any available suitable environment at hand so use at your own risk!

TODO - provide examples